world logo : News : Pollution in France

A special page on the evolution of pollution in France and worldwide.

Zone map emission of major pollutants

Satellite map of light pollution in France

Satellite map of light pollution in France.

Suitability map of the sky in France

Suitability map of the sky in France.

Rough map of the water pollution in France

Rough map of the water pollution in France.

Pollution map of dry moss to arsenic in France

Pollution map of dry moss to arsenic in France.

map PCB pollution in France in 2011

Map of PCB pollution in France in 2011. More info at

French version  French version

map nitrate pollution of waters in France

Map of nitrate pollution of waters in France.

The peak ozone of 13/08/03

The peak ozone of 13/08/03.

map nitrogen dioxide NO2 in the air in Europe

Map of nitrogen dioxide NO2 in the air in Europe.

Statistical average loss of life expectancy in months in Europe

Statistical average loss of life expectancy in months in Europe due to anthropogenic PM 2.5 (air pollution).

map oil spills in inland waters in France between 2008 and 2010

Map of oil spills in inland waters in France between 2008 and 2010. Approximately 7500 tonnes of oil (fuel, motor oil, solvent) were discharged into freshwater.

map pollution of watercourses by pesticides in France

Map of pollution of watercourses by pesticides in France. The black dots represent the samples containing at least six different pesticides. The red color is through and the white dots correspond to the cleanest samples.

map fishing areas polluted by PCB in France

Map of fishing areas polluted by PCB in France.

See also: A map with water fountains around the world. A world map with the names of countries written in different languages. All the metro maps of the major cities in the world.

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