world logo : News : Energies In the World

We offer information on consumption, production and distribution of world energy. We are displayed information on renewable energy production where energy consumption can be varied significantly below current values. Participate equally in our estimates.

World reserves of fossil fuels :

 Resources World Reserve Consumption Resources end
 Oil 160 GToe 4 GToe / year 2050
 Gas 165 GToe 2.2 GToe / year 2070
 Coal 460 GToe 2.8 GToe / year 2170
 Uranium 50 GToe 0.7 GToe / year 2080
GToe : Giga Tonnes of oil equivalent.

You have conflicting information? Contact us with your sources to help us improve the estimates.

Global distribution of fossil resources

Global distribution of fossil resources.

map percentages of energy in the world Wind power biomass hydropower solar energy

Map of the percentages of four renewable energy in the world: Wind power, biomass, hydropower and solar energy.

6 Map of renewable energies worldwide Wind energy biomass hydropower solar wast wood

6 Map of renewable energies worldwide. Wind energy, biomass, hydropower, solar, waste and wood.

Electricity consumption in the world in kWh per capita in the world in 2004

Electricity consumption in the world in kWh per capita in the world in 2004.

French version  French version

World energy consumption in tonnes of oil equivalent in 2004

World energy consumption in tonnes of oil equivalent in 2004.

World energy consumption per capita kg of oil equivalent in 2010

World energy consumption per capita kg of oil equivalent in 2010.

map world's proven reserves of uranium

Map of the world's proven reserves of uranium.

map primary energy production in the world between 1989 and 1998

Map of primary energy production in the world between 1989 and 1998.

Graphic projections of global energy consumption

Graphic projections of global energy consumption.

Graph of world energy reserves estimated in 2008

Graph of world energy reserves estimated in 2008.

Global energy power between 1965 and 2005 in terawatts (TW)

Global energy power between 1965 and 2005 in terawatts (TW). Green: oil, black: coal, red: gas, pink: nuclear power and blue: hydraulics.

Energy consumption in oil equivalent in the world in 2003

Energy consumption in oil equivalent in the world in 2003.

See also: A map with water fountains around the world. A world map with the names of countries written in different languages. All the metro maps of the major cities in the world.

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