world logo : News : Brazilian Indians

Indian communities still live today in the forests of Brazil. Specifically in the so-called Legal Amazon, which covers nine states in Brazil. Native Americans live mostly in protected areas. But these areas are not sufficient, as the Indians also require other jurisdictions to ensure the survival of their lifestyle. They are uninhabited, but they usually use. FUNAI, the National Indian Foundation has defined these areas. The aim is to introduce natural areas they need to protect them from dangers such as deforestation. Some numbers: Brazil has slightly more than 800,000 Indians, divided into 230 ethnic groups of more than 680 different territories.

For the moment only 22% of Amazonia is reserved for Indians.

map Amazonia capitals states roads protected areas

Map of Amazonia, with the capitals of states, roads, protected areas, Indian lands and deforestation in 2005.

map Amazonia cities states name principal Indian tribes

Map of Amazonia, with the lands protected by the States, the nationally protected lands and Indian lands in 2006.

The last population census Amerindian throughout Brazil is by FUNAI

The last population census Amerindian throughout Brazil is by FUNAI.

map Amazon River system with locks and dams

Map of the Amazon River system with locks and dams.

map new protected reserves Amazonia 2003 national highways

Map of new protected reserves of Amazonia after 2003, with national highways, and protected areas already deforested areas.

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map six biomes or ecoregions in the Brazil

Map of the six biomes or ecoregions in the Brazil.

Biome map (ecoregion) Amazon which covers nine Brazilian states to form the legal Amazon

Biome map (ecoregion) Amazon which covers nine Brazilian states to form the legal Amazon.

map Amazonia areas forest non forest areas inhabited

Map of Amazonia with areas of forest and non forest areas inhabited or uninhabited probably inhabited.

The 43 municipalities of Legal Amazonia under surveillance against deforestation

The 43 municipalities of Legal Amazonia under surveillance against deforestation.

map transition soil in Amazonia

Map of the transition soil in Amazonia, green areas deforested and turned into pasture, orange areas deforested and converted to soybean cultivation and pastures turned into red soybean crop.

For more information on the situation of Native Americans, we recommend the official website of the FUNAI :

National Indian Foundation

This website also allows you to generate and view maps updated regularly on this page.

Map of São Paulo
Map of Brazil
World map in Portuguese
The list of countries

See also: A map with water fountains around the world. A world map with the names of countries written in different languages. All the metro maps of the major cities in the world.

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